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Dog Training: Socialization with Safety

It is finally here: A course that covers the whole process on how to properly socialize a group of dogs, how to advocate for your dog, and how to be a LEADER amongst a social group despite how many “personalities” you have coexisting. 

Inside this course, you’ll learn how to integrate multiple dogs, what body language cues to look out for, and how to control the energy of the pack for the MOST success. 

Tell me if this sounds like you…

You want to be able to bring your dog to social settings. 

You need simple, easy to follow instruction how to teach your dog to exist around other dogs.

You’ve heard a lot of bad advice out there about “letting dogs be dogs” and it all sounds questionable.

You just brought home a new dog, and you’re unsure how to integrate the new dog with your current one(s). 

I have good news for you…

You CAN do this. 

This course includes:

  • Four hours of recorded training

  • Live Q and A 

  • Bonus "Muzzle Conditioning" and more

  • Access to weekly Q&A

  • For those who say "my dog could never be around other dogs: Change is possible!

    Start Learning

    Just so you know: these dogs weren't always perfect angels... 

    We take interactions between dogs so seriously because it can't be left to chance

    I’ve been training and rehabbing dogs for over 20 years, and socialization is a huge part of my training process. I’ve socialized thousands of dogs successfully (even dog killers) and often completely turn their behavior around by practicing very specific “rules of the game” that I will teach in this course. 

    You CAN do this. And quite frankly, as a dog owner you need to be able to do this.

    Course Instruction by

    Jeff Gellman

    Jeff has rehabbed over 10,000 dogs in the past 20 years. He has conducted over 300 seminars in countries around the world. 

    Start Learning

    Now I’ll be the first one to tell you, that socialization is NOT something we take lightly. 

    There’s a lot to take into consideration: What is your own dog’s behavior?How do the OTHER dogs in question behave? How believable are YOU as a handler? What is the level of expectation for the dog you’re socializing?

    Socialization is a highly nuanced protocol, and that’s why I’m including MULTIPLE videos with multiple dogs. I want you to be able to see their individual personalities and how I change the protocol depending on the dogs’ behavior/response. 

    It’s ALWAYS better to start out safe than be sorry for rushing the process. 

    Socialization with Safety will break down our process for how we take dogs through pack integration step by step here at Solid K9. It can be a slow process for some, but it’s worth it to take your time with this. 

    Here's something most trainers won't tell you: Obedience training will not eliminate unwanted behaviors the impact proper socialization. In fact, obedience training and behavior modification training are two separate aspects of training that are both needed to have a happy existence with your dog.

    This is for you if…
    You want to learn more about dog body language and social cues
    You want to see first hand how we socialize both friendly and aggressive dogs
    You have been told “dogs NEED to learn to play” (this is false by the way)
    You want to become a better handler and advocate for your dog
    You have a multi-dog household but aren’t sure how to introduce your dogs

    On the flip side, this is not for you if…
    You don’t believe in ever correcting dogs for unwanted behavior
    You don’t care about teaching your dog to exist calmly around other dogs
    You bring your dog to the dog park and don’t think socialization needs to be structured
    You’re looking for a "magic" quick fix that requires no work or training.

    What’s inside Socialization with Safety:

    Phase 1: getting a feel for each dog individually and socializing in small groups with lots of control. Learning about body cues and when its appropriate to step in or let things play out

    Phase 2: when to allow more arousal/energy into the group. How to tell if its time to drop a leash or not. How to tell which dogs mesh and how to instill basic manners. 

    Phase 3: when to take off the muzzle (if it’s necessary) and how to control the energy of the pack to prevent fights etc. 

    This is a course unlike ANYTHING we’ve ever launched before, because there is just SO much that goes into socialization…a lot of it being handler skill and practice. 

    This course was/is a work in progress, and more videos will be added as we rehab and train even more dogs here in Florida. This is a GREAT outline of everything that goes into it, but remember, each dog is an individual, and it’s up you as the handler to always have their best interest in mind. 

    Know your dog and don’t have unrealistic expectations!

    Have fun, learn, and enjoy these FREE bonus modules:

    -muzzle conditioning

    -how to teach “out”

    -how to walk a pack of dogs

    Meet Your Instructor

    Hi, I’m Jeff Gellman, the guy with the hair that works with those insane dogs. I got my start in dog training 20ish years ago when I owned a wildly out of control dog myself. His name was Max, and he was large, powerful and had a lot of bad behaviors. He was making my life a living hell, and it felt like nobody could help me at all. That was until I finally met THE ONE trainer who looked me dead in the eye and said “you can tell your dog “no”, Jeff.”

    And that was the day everything changed. I was able to stop all of my dog’s horrific behaviors rather quickly, and actually train him up to be one of the coolest dogs I’ve ever owned. He became my sidekick in mountain climbing, biking, and even my demo dog when I created a dog training business of my own (hello Solid K9 Training.) Max was the first “why” behind everything I do today.

    I currently own and operate an exclusive, boutique style dog training center in Bradenton, Florida. I rehab and train dogs from all around the country and even traveled for 5 years holding dog training seminars around the world. When I say I have worked with the worst of the worst behavioral cases, I truly mean it. I own a highly successful virtual dog training company where I can put my passion into video format to help even MORE people who can’t reach me geographically. 

    I also held dog training seminars around the world. Throughout my career, I have worked with tens of thousands of dogs and humans, and I know firsthand how lack of training can affect the quality of life for both ends of the leash. Between my free social media content, virtual one-on-one work, seminars, and in-person training, I have kept countless dogs in their homes who were on their last chance. 

    I have always wanted to find a way to help EVEN more families and their dogs. There is such a need for dog training that works, and so I created this course. My Green to Graduate series addresses one of the most common pain points I see people struggling with- lack of training overall! So many folks are struggling to get their dogs to do the basics, so I wanted to create courses that truly covers it all. 

    Jeff Gellman

    This simple and easy-to-follow video series will get you on the path to better walks, better obedience, and a better lifestyle with your pet for the long run. You'll finally be able to live life with your dog exactly as you imagined, and the best part is, you'll be there in 4 weeks or less.

    -Jeff Gellman 

    FAQ - Am I in the right place? Can you really help me? etc.

    I'm sure you've got questions. Here are the answers to many of the most common questions we get asked.

    How is this course delivered?

    A: The video modules are delivered to you via email. Each module is in order, so be sure to follow the steps and watch each video in order. 

    What if my dog has been in fights before?

    A: We cover safety protocols in this course, so you can feel comfortable knowing your dog can't cause harm to other dogs. 

    What if my dog has zero social skills and goes nuts around dogs?

    A: You will need to stop that behavior BEFORE starting your socialization process. We recommend our Chaos to Control course, as it will show you how to address the reactivity so your dog can be ready for step 2: socialization

    What age does my dog need to be for this?

    A: Every dog can benefit from learning proper social skills. Even as young as 8 weeks old. 

    What if my dog has no prior training?

    A: Your dog doesn't need a ton of training to be socialized. Just be sure to follow the EXACT steps we teach in order to be successful. Don't skip even the most "simple" things. We put them there for a reason!

    How long will I have access to the course?

    A: You'll have lifetime access to the course. Once you purchase it, it's yours! Due to the digital nature of the course there are no refunds.

    Will my dog be able to go to crowded places / events with me?

    A: Your dog's capabilities lie in the work you put in. Dog training is a never-ending process and should be kept up with/improved upon throughout the life of the dog. The places you are able to take your dog depend entirely on how much effort you wish to put into training.

    Do I have to use a prong collar & remote collar?

    A: I am a huge advocate for remote collar training as it allows the safest and most reliable form of off leash communication with your dog. If you want to learn how we achieve off leash training, we do recommend both prong and E collars for this course. 

    Testimonials and Feedback

    Don't take our word for it. Take a look here or look at our testimonials at the link on the top of this page.

    -Kristen O

    "It's SO helpful! Nice to be able to rewind and replay certain tips. It's like having Jeff in my house!"

    -Michelle L

    "Started the videos and will recommend to my clients. So easy for them to understand! Thanks Jeff!" -

    -Sunshine T

    "Love how the dog makes mistakes and you guide him through the process. Nobody else shows that." -

    -Kelly A

    "Best purchase. A no-nonsense approach to training. Teaching me how to be a better teacher for the path I want my dog to follow."

    -Murph M

    "Fantastic. I'm having fun learning and you make it very clear/straight forward."

    -Tricia K

    "These courses are amazing! Now I have more things to really get my skills where they need to be to do better for my dogs. Thank you Jeff for taking the time to expand on content and help the masses!"

    Imagine where you could be a week from now: confidently socializing dogs and understanding exactly what is going on and the role you can play to make a positive socialization interaction. 

    When you sign up for this course, this CAN be a reality for you. You can have a relationship with your dog and it does not have to take forever. . 

    Raving Reviews

    Here's what other students are raving about the course

    "Our skills grew fast..."

    "You are amazing! I got your training program and I can now walk my dog who has high prey drive around squirrels and rabbits without getting my arm pulled out of its socket! She just walks by them. We need more trainers like you!" -Cindy and Roscoe

    Cindy and Roscoe

    "thank you!"

    "I was afraid to go out in public with my dog for years before taking this course. I would always have to put her in another room when guests came over and it was all barking and scratching. I'm crying with joy . I did the work like you said and it worked. Thank you . thank you. thank you"

    Sally P

    "Just what I needed."

    "Just got the Green to Graduate. Going through the videos and I love the breakdowns and CONSTANT reminders. Greatly appreciate all the work/time you and your crew put into making these videos for us, so we and our dogs can finally start to live outside of our bubble. Hugs for you and your wonderful staff!"

    Terry G

    I feel like this guy saves lives. I had a crazy black lab who lived in the woods on his own for 18 months. I 'rescued' him and gave him a good life. He pulled me all over. 100lbs strong dog. I took him to TWO obedience schools and no improvement. Jeff taught me how to use a prong collar. Amazing, immediate change. He passed away a few weeks ago, his final years were amazing. I was so proud to walk him. It was safe to go out with him. Thank you Jeff. Without your help he would have pulled me down in traffic, or i would have put him down because he was crazy. He lived another 8 years, but they were good years, with your guidance.

    Annie B


    I've had compliments from my neighbors about how much my dog has changed since implementing the skills I follow through Solid K9 Training. The skills you can learn from JUST the video content is amazing. If you just take the content and do basic drills with the crate, thresholds, and basic 180 maneuver, you will see a change in behavior in minutes. I took a nervous, anxious dog, and now he is more confident and listens better with all the structure I've put in place. What Jeff teaches doesn't just help the dog, it helps the owners understand and implement it every day without a trainer by your side. Thank you for all the content!

    Tricia C


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